New legislation for sidewalk snow clearance in Oxford could be on the way Under a newly proposed ordinance, Oxford could clear snow from sidewalks that property owners don't handle themselves, then bill those owners.
New efforts to preserve historic buildings in Oxford could be on horizon As Oxford continues to work with consultants to create a new historic preservation plan and update its design standards, pursuing National Register designation for the city seems likely.
Oxford extends alley development moratorium, considers further deer management actions City Council has once again extended an alley lot development moratorium as the Planning Commission considers solutions to public service challenges posed by the lots.
As Oxford officials consider solutions to improve alleys, staff raise public safety concerns Today, Oxford's alleys are primarily used as cut-throughs and routes for deliveries and waste management. City officials want to see more creative uses of the spaces, but city staff warn that could come with logistical and safety concerns.
Oxford adopts route for northwestern trail arc, approves funding method for Housing Trust Oxford City Council approved a route for the northwest arc of the Oxford Area Trail System, which will complete a loop around the city. Later, council members passed a resolution aimed at funding the city's Housing Trust.
Prudence Dana, former Oxford Mayor and voting rights advocate, dies Prudence Dana, a longtime volunteer with local organizations including the League of Women Voters, died Nov. 19.
Long-planned affordable housing project ends before breaking ground: City cites ‘untenable’ rent prices Oxford City Council voted to end an agreement with developers for a planned cottage community on Dec. 3. Also during the meeting, council approved a contract for Black Covered Bridge improvements and passed a resolution regarding on-campus developments.