
Looking for a location to pick up your physical edition of the Oxford Free Press? We've got you covered. Head to one of the locations below to pick up your weekly print edition, delivered by a team of volunteers each Friday.

Please note, because of unexpected circumstances which may arise, we can't guarantee the time of delivery each week. In general, our team of volunteers begins distributing papers around 11:30 a.m. on Friday and continues through the early afternoon.

To get a digital version of the print edition in your inbox every Friday at 7 a.m., make sure to sign up to become a member today! Members and sponsors are recognized in print for their support of local journalism, and they receive a members-only newsletter with the digital edition each week. If you don't want to sign up online, you can also mail checks to P.O. Box 857, Oxford, OH 45056 and include your name and email address to be added to the members-only mailing list.

Distribution locations

Oxford Locations

Best Western


Church Street Social

DuBois Bookstore

Elms Hotel

Enjoy Oxford

Hampton Inn

The Knolls of Oxford

Kofenya Coffee


Lee and Rosemary Fisher Innovation College@Elm

McCullough-Hyde Memorial Hospital


Oxford Chamber of Commerce

Oxford Community Arts Center

Oxford Lane Library

Oxford Municipal Building

Oxford Senior Center

Wild Berry

Township Locations

Don's Carryout

Framemaker Gallery

Megan's Grocery and Pizza

Reily Township Community Center (Little Free Library)

Miami University Locations

College of Arts and Science

College of Creative Arts

College of Education, Health and Society

College of Engineering and Computing

Farmer School of Business

Harrison Hall

Rec Center

Roudebush Hall

Event Distribution

Coalition for a Healthy Community resource tables — Wednesday evenings at various locations

Oxford Farmers Market — Saturdays, 8 a.m.-12 p.m.