City asks for input to guide code update Oxford has contracted with a consulting firm to create a Unified Development Code and historic preservation materials. The city is asking for community input through an online survey.
Oxford looks to highlight area Black history with new plan As Oxford moves forward with historic preservation and economic development plans, one temporary fellow with the city has worked to create a smaller plan focused on preserving Black history in town.
New efforts to preserve historic buildings in Oxford could be on horizon As Oxford continues to work with consultants to create a new historic preservation plan and update its design standards, pursuing National Register designation for the city seems likely.
New approach to zoning, listing on National Register of Historic Places among suggestions at Oxford town hall Oxford is in the early stages of a nine-month process to create a unified development code and update its historic preservation guidelines. The city has contracted with consulting firm McKenna to help.
Town hall event planned for Oxford code update This summer, Oxford hired a consulting firm to create a Unified Development Code for the city. Oxford will host a town hall with residents next week as part of the process.
Uncondemned: A property owner wants to tear a historic building down. What happens when the city says no? A former funeral home and the vacant bookstore on High Street are at the center of discussions on historic preservation and code enforcement standards in Oxford.
Oxford City Council passes fire department funding agreement, condemns political violence During its July 16 meeting, Oxford City Council finalized an agreement with Miami University to fund the fire department, approved a contract for historic preservation efforts and denounced political violence in the wake of an assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump.